Choosing Your Investment Training Curriculum
The information and free online investment portfolio management resources available to us today via the internet have completely altered the process and amount of online portfolio management control that we as individuals have with our personal financial investment structure and goals. An online portfolio management structure in which you have almost full control that is sound and consists of a platform that is based around your personal financial characteristics is very feasible and much simpler than ever before.
The problem many individual investors have when first starting to construct a portfolio based on their personal financial goals and characteristics is where to begin and how to develop a management process that they are confident in and comfortable with. Although it may seem like a very daunting task and one that is extremely complicated the opposite is really the case.
To begin developing a sound financial portfolio there are two very important education criteria that an individual must acquire to form a solid foundation to build upon. First an education and basic knowledge of the fundamentals, terminology, analysis strategies, theories and tools must be acquired. Second an understanding of the process involved in research, where to find the research data and how to interpret it is of the highest necessity. A quality understanding and knowledge of these two factors are without question a must if one is to be successful. Now by an education this in no way implies that we must obtain a formal education such as a degree in finance or an MBA. If we want to manage a business or pursue a banking career then this type of formal education would most likely be appropriate. But we are only looking to control our financial future with confidence and success and this does not require the formal education previously mentioned. This education can be very easily gained through a quality home study course or a series of seminars. There are several quality individual investment related curriculum available in both seminar or home e-learning format.
The key is to ensure that you choose the right curriculum in which your investment education needs are based. It should be structured upon sound - realistic content not claims of overnight success and huge fortunes with small print disclaimers of "these are not typical results". Now I would recommend "Successful Online Portfolio Management", as it does deliver a very quality and full content scope curriculum, however it is important to remember I am not you therefore an investment curriculum that meets your specific characteristics providing a learning environment that you feel confident and comfortable with may not resemble my characteristics. Nobody knows what your personal financial situation and goals are better then you. Therefore while you should most definitely research any recommendations that you have by all means it still should be you who makes the final decision and that decision should be based on your financial overall characteristics.
Next, the content of the educational investment curriculum must not only contain quality but also the full spectrum. By this I mean that the curriculum should cover stocks, bonds, mutual funds, as well as cash investments (i.e. savings - CD's - money market accounts, etc.). Ensure that it covers both Fundamental and Technical analysis. An educational curriculum must also contain a variety of financial analysis tools, resources and the purpose for them. If the educational curriculum does not instruct you about principles of proper investment research it is not worth a single penny. If you do not know what to look for, where to find it and what to do with it once you have it there is no possible way that you can develop a portfolio that produces a return on your investment. You should just pay someone else to do it for you. I can not stress this enough, quality research is not very difficult given the screening software and other free online investment portfolio management resources on the internet. Therefore your curriculum must provide the locations of where, their purpose and when to use these tools. Sound research is probably the most important key to structuring your portfolio and there are so many free resources available. There is no excuse for any curriculum that does not provide this information. An effective and good curriculum will also provide other educational resources available that may offer greater detail or maybe tools that can be very useful. Such as it may cover the topic of risk management and the importance of its use, but it would also provide the URL location of a web site that is free, deals with this subject only and provides several analysis tools to properly evaluate your personal risk factors.
Any quality curriculum will offer an unconditional guarantee therefore you can actually experience it hands-on to ensure that it meets your learning needs. Take advantage of this as it places all risk on the publisher so if it is not of sound content you can simply return it and get your money back with nothing lost. One thing to remember though when doing this, make sure that the company you are purchasing your curriculum from is of high caliber as this will be a reflection of the caliber of their product. Look at their marketing tools for professionalism and clean presentation. Be careful not to get caught up in real fancy and flashy techniques. Web sites that have fancy animation and video can be easily constructed but really have nothing to do with quality of the products offered. Look at the structure and the content of the site for a feel of their professionalism; this will be a reflection of their product. If they have taken the time to develop a professional and quality web site then they most likely have developed a professional and quality product as well.
In summary let's go over what you will want to be looking for with your educational curriculum:1 - Check out the publishers marketing content for quality, sound content and professionalism.2 - Verify that the content covers the full spectrum including all the entities and available analysis strategies.3 - Demand that the where's and how's of research resources are included in the documentation.4 - Ensure that the curriculum provides information of other resources in which to further you education and knowledge.5 - Utilize the return policy to ensure that the product is specifically what you need.
When shopping for the educational curriculum you are going to use to build your understanding of the content, knowledge of principles and guidance in the analytical processes remember that your understanding will only be as good as the information you are provided. So, if you will follow these five things listed above you will know that what you have purchased will be well worth the money you have invested.
About the Author
Scott G. Henderson, BSE/MBA, has written many articles about the subject of financial portfolio management. After years of personal experience, education and research he spent over 18 months writing and developing the educational curriculum "Successful Online Portfolio Management". If you would like to know more please click on this link:
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